067 What is the New Startup Mindset with Sandra Shpilberg
Sandra Shpilberg is the Founder and CEO of Adnexi, a disease intelligence platform for the next generation of biopharma treatments.Prior to this, Sandra was the Founder and CEO of Seeker Health, a breakthrough digital patient finding platform, which accelerates drug development and commercialization for biopharmaceutical companies. Seeker Health was acquired by EVERSANA in September 2018.She’s the author of New Startup Mindset, a book on her non-traditional founder’s journey and lessons learned starting, building and exiting this company.She’s a featured contributor at Thrive Global, InsightTimer and Hackernoon. On today Show we Talk about What question should a founder or founder team should ask themselves about a company before starting it? How important is positioning one’s company? The temptation to take venture funding and the positives and the negatives of going down that path? Connect with Sandra Shpilberg adnexi.comsandrashpilberg.com Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandra-shpilberg-b7b334/ Website https://www.sandrashpilberg.com/ CONNECT WITH SHAWN https://linktr.ee/ShawnflynnSV Shawn Flynn’s LinkedInAccount Silicon Valley LinkedInGroup Account Shawn Flynn’s FacebookAccount Email Shawn@thesiliconvalleypodcast.com