068 How to build should a startup build a Network and more with Max Shapiro

Max Shapiro Founded PeopleConnect in 2000 to help early-stage high-tech companies find the talent they need to succeed. Their clients are in technology, biotech, cleantech, apps, services, medical devices, and consumer products.He is also involved in areas that also support the startup community:● Angel Investor and member of Keiretsu Forum since 2001● Co-founder of Runway Innovation Hub● Creator & Producer of PitchForcePitchForce is a weekly pitch event for early stage companies with a panel of establish angel investors and CEO's   On today Show we Talk about How should a startup prepare themselves for a pitch event? How should an investor or a startup follow-up any contacts that they made at a pitch event? How much equity should be given to a new hire at a startup?     Connect with Max Email max@peopleconnectstaffing.com Company peopleconnectstaffing.com  Linkedin linkedin.com/in/maxshapiro Twitter PeopleConnectS   CONNECT WITH SHAWN https://linktr.ee/ShawnflynnSV Shawn Flynn’s LinkedInAccount Silicon Valley LinkedInGroup Account Shawn Flynn’s FacebookAccount Email Shawn@thesiliconvalleypodcast.com

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