075 How to take something from an idea to an IPO with Waikit Lau

  Waikit Lau has founded 2 machine learning-based companies that were acquired and he helped take one public. He has been on both VC and founding/operating side.    We Talk About What was it like to go to Harvard Business School? How should one think of Business school in general? How was the journey from starting a company to growing it to over 600 people before taking it public? What is your screening process to investing in deals?       Connect with Waikit Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/waikit-lau-89129/ Website https://www.remotehq.com/   CONNECT WITH SHAWN https://linktr.ee/ShawnflynnSV Shawn Flynn’s LinkedInAccount Silicon Valley LinkedInGroup Account Shawn Flynn’s FacebookAccount Email Shawn@thesiliconvalleypodcast.com    

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