Ep 204 The Answer to Blitzscaling with Ron Gutman

Show notes Ron Gutman Ron Gutman is an inventor, an investor, a serial technology and healthcare entrepreneur and a Stanford University adjunct Professor. Ron has built and invested in technology and healthcare companies that have served hundreds of millions of people and saved tens of thousands of lives worldwide. He's an inventor holding a series of patents in healthcare technology and Artificial Intelligence and won the World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer award. Ron's articles have been published in respected media such as The Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Fortune Magazine, CNN, and TechCrunch. He also wrote a best-selling TED Book SMILE: The Astonishing Power of a Simple Act, and gave a popular TED talk about smiling that was translated to 51 languages and viewed by millions everywhere. Ron has also presented in leading technology and healthcare conferences, including The World Economic Forum, TED, and Fortune Brainstorm Tech. Ron's mission is to help everyone live happier, healthier, longer lives.   We talk about: How did you come up with the topic for your ted talk “The Hidden Power of Smiling?” Do you live by the motto of “Smiling” today? What factors do you consider when determining the structure and design of a supply chain? How is it different scaling-up a company that has a massive funding event verse growing a company without any-external funding? What is the antidote to Blitzscaling? In the current environment, does Blitzcaling make sense? What are the best ways that entrepreneurs and start-ups can achieve hyper-growth today without making huge structural, financial, and in some cases, ethical mistakes in the process? And much more…. Connect with Ron   Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/rongutman/ Twitter @ronsmilegutman Email RonSmileGutman@gmail.com

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