Cata Diaz featuring Hilda Quick

Hi and welcome back to the skate creative podcast my name is Joel Curtis and I’m a musician and skateboarder.My guest this week is Cata Diaz.Cata is from Valparaíso in Chile and has spent the last few years living in Barcelona and London.Her new part Claritea premiered recently on Grey skate mags YouTube channel was edited by Hilda Quick, who also joins us on this conversation I talk to Cata about her time starting skateboarding in Chile, making the move from there to Barcelona, the positives and negatives of to social media, her influences and inspirations,Filming in the uk, her love of Leeds and the North , meeting Hilda ,adjusting to the cold, and learning to trust the cards and manifesting your destiny! Cata’s style, personality and infectious positivity have made her  rise in skateboarding seem effortless but in this conversation we discuss how her cancer diagnosis made her draw on all her strength and energy to regain her physical confidence and come out with her most progressive and soulful section yet.I do hope you enjoy this episode Cata LINKS!Cata on instagram on Grey skate mag YouTube interview by pocket skate mag on instagram LINKS!Spotify extra link! link! Skate Creative instagram website

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Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: My names joel curtis I’m a musician and skateboarder. in this podcast I’ll be talking to creative people about how skateboarding has influenced their work creativity and life experience. You can subscribe where ever you listen to podcasts by searching for the skate creative podcast.You can follow us on Instagram @theskatecreativepodcast For more information on upcoming guests and episodes. I do hope you’ll join me then