Danny Wainwright
Hi and welcome to the skate creative podcast my names Joel Curtis and I’m a musician and skateboarder. This weeks guest is Danny Wainwright. Danny works for vans shoes in their grass roots marketing division. Born in Coventry ,He started skateboarding after moving to Stroud Gloucestershire at the age of nine. Dannys talent was evident from an early age and he and his friends were featured in Uk magazines from the early nineties onwards. During these formative years, he became a fixture in the British scene befriending other notable skaters like Tom Penny and Alex Mole, who’s progressive passion for skateboarding had a massive influence on Danny. After being asked to ride for Powell skateboards in 1993 he got to travel all round America and Canada, doing demos and competitions. He and fellow Bristol based skater Justin Sydenham started 5050 skate shop in 1997. Danny has had numerous video parts in seminal British tiles like, playing fields, Raggy clothings Juice, as well as 411 and many for 5050 and Powell. Dannys renowned for his high ollie lead to him reluctantly being asked to enter the competition for the worlds highest in the year 2000. Clearing a hight of 44.5 inches Dannys recored stood for well over 15 years. I caught up with Danny to talk all things art, living in Barcelona, his early skate memories, being on the road and riding for Powell, the importance of graffiti, the worlds highest ollie comp and starting his new company Ahead. Links! Danny in instagram https://www.instagram.com/dannywainwright/ Ahead on instagram https://www.instagram.com/aheadworldwide/ 5050 skate store on instagram and website https://www.instagram.com/fiftyfiftystore/ https://5050store.com Danny 20 years at Vans video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UEw2T7yqy0 Worlds highest ollie comp 2000 411 issue 39 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-hTnZiQcfg