Quentin Delille & Neil Macdonald
My guests this week are Neil Macdonald from science VS life and Quentin Delille from the Beyond boards podcast. Quentin is a French podcaster and has interviewed many important and inspirational skateboarders about their careers or as part of the skateboarding industry. His podcast, beyond boards has released 36 episodes talking to amazing people from all aspects of skate culture about their lives and experience. Neil is writer and journalist who has worked for sidewalk magazine, slam city’s website and north magazine to name but a few. He also has maintain’s the instagram account “Science Vs Life” in which he chronicles the history of skateboarding through scans of his magazine collection. Neil has embarked on writing a new book about the history of UK skateboarding from 1987-2002 . In this episode I talk to Quentin and Neil about starting their various projects and what keeps them inspired. We also picked one video each to discuss. I really enjoyed taking to both Neil and Quentin about their life and contribution to skateboarding so do check out all of their work. links to them and videos discussed can be found in the episode show notes, I do hope you enjoy this episode. Beyond boards Podcast on Apple podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/beyond-boards/id1561570875 And Instagram https://instagram.com/_beyondboards_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Neil’s website https://www.scienceversuslife.com Instagram https://instagram.com/scienceversuslife?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Videos we watched Mine, pocket skate mag Bryggeriets Skateboard Highschool https://youtu.be/VVAo8ZRlT_8 Quentin’s Nine club Neil Mims https://youtu.be/wsk4A7fa0fU Neil’s The southbank video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQr13QaDbgU The skate creative Instagram https://instagram.com/theskatecreativepodcast?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= My website http://www.joelcurtismusic.com