#015 What is a Polymath?

The phrase "Jack of all Trades, Master of None" is used in a derogatory manner.  It implies that if you don't focus on one thing, you will never succeed.  This podcast shows many examples of people who did succeed in a variety of disciplines or sectors.  Sure, there are ties when you need to specialise, but for most people, knowing a bit more about more things in the 21st century is a good thing.  To increase your value to the world, to yourself and to your family, you need to grow your skills and you need to stack them in a specific order. All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important. For all the underlying links and transcript, go to: www.TheSkillStack.com/podcast You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack email us on: info@TheSkillStack.com

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The speed of change in the world is getting faster. You need new Skills to keep up. Every new skill you acquire doubles your odds of success. Your value to the world grows through just 1% marginal gains, through compounding and the Entourage effect You just need to improve by 1% in specific skills to be in the top 20%. If you’re in the top 20% in a number of skills that go well together, you will end up with enough skills, stacked in such a way that you will be sought out by others and as a result you will have more confidence, be happier, healthier and earn more money.