#27 - Daily Routine - Important Skill to Work at

Routine does indeed equal results. Daily Routine. Divided into 3 parts - Morning - Daytime - Evening The irony is that the morning routine starts in the evening – with your Journal.  - I mentioned in Episode 24 that having a journal led to some surprising results – this is one of them. A routine is good. A routine gets results Having a routine does the same. Take 5 minutes before you relax for the evening or before you go to bed and just jot down the things you need to do. In the journal there is the ONE thing that you absolutely must do and 3 other things you want to do. So the night before …take a few minutes to take a look in your calendar and jot down (write out in the daily journal) the things you want to get done. Morning Routine 1.  Get up  - for me that’s around 6am – no alarm clock – (see Podcast episode No #032 2.  Drink water (ideally with lemon and sea salt) 3.  Exercise  HIT for 15 mins max (see Podcast Episode No #010) 4.  Shower/shave/ablutions – 15 mins 5.  Check journal and tasks – emphasis on Gratitude - 5 mins 6.  Send out emails – max 30 mins (see Podcast Episode # 026) 7.  Post on social media – 15 mins max 8. Day job – core skill – get on with your life – You should have at least 4 - 6 free hours a day for this.  Which from an efficiency point of view is extremely good. – The average worker does 2 hrs and 34 minutes of work a day according to a question on Quora in May 2012 and again in 2016 and 2019 They referred to articles in. Inc.com and Mentalfloss.com And to get 4-6 hours of real work done, there’s a routine for that! Daytime Routine First of all, leverage as much as you can.  But here are 11 ways to control your day to get the most out of it and to let you get on with your core skill/profession. 1.  Set out your Key Result Areas (KRA’s) Income Generating Tasks (IGT’s)  and measure your Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) – (More on that in  podcast episode No #031) 2.  Never answer the phone (see Podcast episode No #022) 3.  Change your voicemail message to let people know you don’t listen to voicemails – it stops phone tennis! 4.  Never respond to an email (see Podcast Episode No #026 Controlling your email) 5.  Don’t book meetings unless they are at a time that suits your energy 6.  Learn to say “No” 7.  Have a pa or VA or system to handle calls such as Calendly.com 8.  Set specific times for calls and meetings using www.Calendly.com and www.Whereby.com 9.  Turn on out of office message responders. Nudge people to your social media or FAQ’s 10.Have a pa or VA or gatekeeper filtering incoming messages, emails and requests such as www.AllDayPa.com 11.Make full use of transcription apps and software to document things.  Such as www.Otter.ai.  Temi or www.Rev.com Evening Routine 1. Get out your Journal - Write out your plans for tomorrow 2. Review your Goals/targets/Aims/Vision Board (Photos in an album that you can look at and absorb) 3. Brush teeth - prepare for bed 4. Sleep technique - see Podcast Episode No #032 All success leave clues. The Skill Stack shows you what to look for and more importantly, like any great recipe, the correct order of the ingredients and skills is as important. For all the underlying links and transcript, go to: www.TheSkillStack.com/podcast You can get us in our Twitter account: @TheSkillStack email us on: info@TheSkillStack.com

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The speed of change in the world is getting faster. You need new Skills to keep up. Every new skill you acquire doubles your odds of success. Your value to the world grows through just 1% marginal gains, through compounding and the Entourage effect You just need to improve by 1% in specific skills to be in the top 20%. If you’re in the top 20% in a number of skills that go well together, you will end up with enough skills, stacked in such a way that you will be sought out by others and as a result you will have more confidence, be happier, healthier and earn more money.