Preparing For a New Baby

This is the chapter that I wish had been in my baby books, the realness, the rawness and the practical stuff we so often don’t think about preparing for a new baby. Each week in pregnancy you focus on your growing bump and developing baby but what about what comes next? What is the stuff they don't tell you in the baby classes or the things you can't just buy with one click in the middle of the night? What do you really need to know?   1 - What to buy?  2 - Birth Expectations 3 - What about sleep? 4 - Parent Skills Required? 5 - How to Survive When Baby Arrives?

Om Podcasten

The Sleep Mums is a baby sleep podcast for parents by parents; (mostly) functioning humans who want sensible, nonjudgmental, occasionally funny, easy to follow advice. Each episode will look at a baby sleep topic with FIVE take-aways that WILL help your baby sleep better. Each week, we’ll also answer a listener’s sleep question, putting our advice to practise in the real world. Hosted by parenting journalist Cat Cubie and baby sleep expert Sarah Carpenter, mums who know sleep but also know how you feel… knackered. This is the parenting podcast you’ve dreamt of; come on in and join the 3am club.