TSEP#141 State of the Energy Transition

Where are we in the energy transition? This episode looks at the latest figures, the latest trends, technological developments and regulatory developments around the world with a view to the new energy world. Which sectors are of particular interest? And what role does the financial sector play? That's what we talk about in this episode with a guest who covers all of these topics: Seb Henbest, Group Head of Climate Transition at HSBC.   Timeline: 01:51 About his new role at HSBC – What kind of new angle did that give him on the whole industry? 06:19 What kind of projections does he see for 2050 in the energy sector? 10:12 High investments are required. Is the finance sector matching it? 17:04 Hydrogen sector: How close are we really to a realization of a big hydrogen economy? Questions or suggestions? Then send us an email to podcast@thesmartere.com

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The smarter E Podcast – für und mit den Machern der neuen Energiewelt. In unserem Podcast dreht sich alles um die aktuellen Trends und Entwicklungen einer erneuerbaren, dezentralen und digitalen Energiewirtschaft. Unsere Moderatoren Tobias Bücklein (DE) und Zackes Brustik (EN) begrüßen und interviewen Persönlichkeiten, die unsere Branche prägen und Entwicklungen vorantreiben. Jede Woche Donnerstag mit einer neuen Folge! || The smarter E Podcast - for and with the creators of the new energy world. Our podcast is all about the current trends and developments in a renewable, decentralized and digital energy industry. Our moderators Tobias Bücklein (DE) and Zackes Brustik (EN) welcome and interview personalities who shape our industry and drive developments forward. Every week on Thursday with a new episode!