73. Website Personalisation: Steps to Getting Started

Providing a good customer experience online is essential to the success of any business that trades online. Customer expectations have risen dramatically and these needs should be met. Personalisation can be used across websites, search, email and in human interactions through store, sales and with customer service teams.   Translating the enormous amount of real-time customer data that your company creates into something tangible and effective can be extremely time-consuming, labor-intensive and costly if misinterpreted.   Implementing an effective e-commerce personalisation strategy can be one of the most cost-beneficial decisions you can make towards increasing your online revenue, improving your online conversion and building a loyal and happy customer base.   In this episode we're breaking down the process, so you can implement personalisation for a better informed strategy and long term revenue success.    Mentioned In this Episode; SEO episode https://open.spotify.com/episode/5403il00GsEga9uAE5h8kT?si=1fce5d3e7d874184  Digital marketing excellence book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Digital-Marketing-Excellence-Optimizing-Integrating/dp/1138191701/ref=sr_1_1?adgrpid=55742403960&gclid=Cj0KCQiA_8OPBhDtARIsAKQu0ga0ksJs7JjWyh1j1cwGT9DVtcg0XJMnT1Vy8ucTVk4J3DSB93CChqMaAlDNEALw_wcB&hvadid=259096547258&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1006886&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=7717528713401550088&hvtargid=kwd-306709945643&hydadcr=18495_1817302&keywords=digital+marketing+excellence&qid=1643214349&sr=8-1   Our Instagram Page - https://www.instagram.com/sociallyciara/  Our LinkedIn Page - https://www.linkedin.com/company/socially-ciara/?viewAsMember=true   

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At Branding Beauty, our mission is to empower beauty industry professionals with the knowledge and insights they need to create successful brand strategies. Our podcast is dedicated to exploring the latest trends and breaking news in the beauty industry, providing listeners with actionable strategies and innovative ideas for building their brands. We believe that branding is about more than just aesthetics - it's about crafting a meaningful story that resonates with your audience. Our goal is to help our listeners build strong, authentic brands that stand out in a crowded market.