Value Pricing 1.0 vs. Value Pricing 2.0
Join Ed and Ron to discuss a question from Byron: I’ve heard you refer to subscription pricing as VP 2.0 on several occasions. I’ve also heard you indicate a shift from pricing the customer to pricing the portfolio. It just strikes me that the more we deliver a similar service, the more that price should be consistent across customers. Maybe that is what you are getting at when you talk about pricing the portfolio on a subscription basis? Maybe there should be a little more consistency knowing that you are going to win on some and loose on others, but that overall the portfolio is good. It is almost like with subscription pricing there is a general pricing grid that, yes, has options, but it is more or less the same options for homogenous clients. Maybe that is appealing because of its simplicity. My partner and I are just realizing how much mental energy we are exerting pricing new clients instead of simply having a “price list” that we go to without thinking (too much) about it.