S19,E15: 08/29/22 (Dayaway, Tchotchke, Powerplant, Down Time, Breakup Haircut, Cheekface, Cones, Kid Francescoli)

Summer's End - Dayaway Don't Hang up on Me - Tchotchke Dizzy - Tchotchke Pixie Gf - Powerplant So Far Away - Down Time Marie Kondo - Breakup Haircut Why Can't I Be Cool Enough to Move to Berlin? - Breakup Haircut Election Day - Cheekface feat. Sidney Gish You Always Want to Bomb the Middle East - Cheekface The Tunnel - Cones Summer Is Gone - Kid Francescoli This episode features a clip from Sam Harris’ Making Sense podcast where he explains why Donald Trump is a worse person than Osama bin Laden. His description here mirrors much of my own take and was a big part of why I felt so compelled to escape from post-Trump America.

Om Podcasten

The Sounds in My Head is a biweekly music show featuring songs and bands you might have missed. Hosted by Daniel since 2004. Musically The Sounds in My Head attempts to be fairly eclectic, but probably tends to lean towards "indie pop" music. Also, I try to squeeze in as much left-wing propaganda as possible between tracks.