S20,E01: 03/27/23 (Morrissey, Roller Derby, Phantom Youth, Holy Now, Freeds, Chevy and Park Bird, The Association and The Courettes)

Season 20 Episode 1 Rebels Without Applause - Morrissey Always on My Mind - Roller Derby Friday I'm in Love - Roller Derby Afterworld - Phantom Youth Dear October - Phantom Youth Places - Holy Now Silk - Holy Now Nerves - Freeds Fuzzy - Freeds If I Could Ride a Bike - Chevy & Park Bird Never My Love - The Association and The Courettes This episode features a clip from Marc Maron’s latest HBO comedy special, From Bleak to Dark, where he outlines a strategy to win over Christians by rebranding abortion clinics as “angel factories”. It may be a joke, but I think the plan could be just crazy enough to work. Mental note: From now on, always refer to Planned Parenthood and their ilk as angel factories.

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The Sounds in My Head is a biweekly music show featuring songs and bands you might have missed. Hosted by Daniel since 2004. Musically The Sounds in My Head attempts to be fairly eclectic, but probably tends to lean towards "indie pop" music. Also, I try to squeeze in as much left-wing propaganda as possible between tracks.