S20,E05: 05/22/23 (The Go! Team, Jonathan Bree, Frankie Rose, JW Francis, Belle and Sebastian, Tanya Davis, Chinese American Bear)

Season 20 Episode 5 Getting to Know (All the Ways We're Wrong for Each Other) - The Go! Team Pre-Code Hollywood - Jonathan Bree Miss You - Jonathan Bree Anything - Frankie Rose Sixteen Ways - Frankie Rose Casino - JW Francis Swooning - JW Francis Working Boy in New York City - Belle & Sebastian I Don't Know What You See in Me - Belle & Sebastian Late Developers - Belle & Sebastian Eulogy for You and Me - Tanya Davis Please Bless - Tanya Davis 再见 (Goodbye) - Chinese American Bear This episode features a clip from an interview with Henry Catalini Smith on The Local's Sweden in Focus podcast. He is a immigrant from the UK leading the effort to unionize Spotify. Sweden is one of the most heavily unionized countries in the world, but the large tech sector is a strange outlier and he is hoping to change that.

Om Podcasten

The Sounds in My Head is a biweekly music show featuring songs and bands you might have missed. Hosted by Daniel since 2004. Musically The Sounds in My Head attempts to be fairly eclectic, but probably tends to lean towards "indie pop" music. Also, I try to squeeze in as much left-wing propaganda as possible between tracks.