S21,E04: 03/24/24 (The Courettes, Real Estate, Laetitia Sadierm Cool Sounds, Dina Ögon, Worn-Tin, Ruby Sue)

Season 21 Episode 4 You Woo Me - The Courettes Water Underground - Real Estate Somebody New - Real Estate New Moon - Laetitia Sadier Panser L’inacceptable - Laetitia Sadier BUG0BEAT - Cool Sounds Another Way - Cool Sounds Firad - Dina Ögon Tomma lådor - Dina Ögon Hard Erase - Worn-Tin Replace Me - Worn-Tin Northern Boy - Ruby Sue This episode features a condensed clip from The Big Conversation podcast where Alex O’Connor talks about how religious people try to give take credit for the progress made at dismantling all of the awful stuff their religious traditions got wrong historically. Also, a clip from Christmas Vacation about Ruby Sue.

Om Podcasten

The Sounds in My Head is a biweekly music show featuring songs and bands you might have missed. Hosted by Daniel since 2004. Musically The Sounds in My Head attempts to be fairly eclectic, but probably tends to lean towards "indie pop" music. Also, I try to squeeze in as much left-wing propaganda as possible between tracks.