Happy Valentines Day!

I think... if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.    Leo Tolstoy   In this episode we’re gonna talk about the language of love and why it matters. I’ll share some ways Mike and I have missed the mark and how we’re still learning and growing one day at a time. I’ll also give you a tip that someone gave me years ago that I believe has been super instrumental in the flourishing of our marriage.

Om Podcasten

Hello and welcome to The Spacious Place!! My name is Kari Levang—-I’m a simple girl (if you can still call yourself a girl when you’re 50 something:), with a complicated past and a great big God! This space was designed to create room for us to talk about the things of life—our joys, our questions, our fears and so much more! But most of all, my desire is that we will leave our time together with an enlarged capacity for hope to grow! That our moments together will cultivate our hearts in such a way that we can find ourselves flourishing in this thing called life. Receiving God’s absolute delight in us——letting it take root in our deepest places and allowing it to spill out of our lives to the people around us.