Pathogens and the Terrain Within | Dr. Zach Bush with Dr. Christine Schaffner | Episode 141

In today’s Spectrum of Health Podcast episode, Dr. Christine Schaffner talks with Dr. Zach Bush about our terrain and how it has made us vulnerable to diseases. How do we live in a polluted world and still live a healthy life? (originally recorded at the Beyond Biologic Medicine Speaker Series)    Zach Bush, MD, is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology, and hospice care. He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome related to health, disease, and food systems.  Listen in to learn more:  {01:23} How do we look at our individual terrain as well as the terrain of our planet.  {16:20} How do we resolve to living in pollution {37:00} The role of Lyme in our health {52:30} The farmer’s footprint   *** We are also gearing up for the 150th Spectrum of Health podcast episode, and we need YOUR help. We would love to know how Dr. Schaffner has impacted your journey with your health! You can email your response to our podcast producer . (If you can record your response and email the mp3, that would be helpful!)    To get the full show notes -

Om Podcasten

On the Spectrum of Health Podcast, Dr. Christine Schaffner shares a spectrum of health and wellness information ranging from chronic illness, biological medicine, bioenergetics and more. Dr. Schaffner sits at a unique vantage point in that she sees patients struggling with chronic illness from all over the world in her practice. Dr. Schaffner is passionate about sharing cutting edge information and research from the experts in her community as she sits on the front line of the alternative medicine field. Whether you are struggling with a chronic illness, want to learn more about detox and anti-aging, or fine-tune your biofield, then this podcast is for you! In addition to building two world-renowned health clinics, Dr. Schaffner currently sees patients telemedically, as well as in-person at her Immanence Health clinics in Seattle, Washington and Marin, California.