Q and A: Reversing Mast Cell Activation and Histamine Intolerance | Dr. Tom Moorcroft and Beth O’Hara with Dr. Christine Schaffner| Episode167

On today's episode, Dr. Christine shares the Q&A that she did with Beth O'Hara and Dr. Tom Moorcroft at their recent summit. This episode is slightly different from our usual one. Still, Dr. Christine is so excited to share this knowledge. We hope that you enjoy the Q&A on Reversing Mast Cell Activation and Histamine Intolerance Summit. Listen in to learn about a story of HOPE and many other great nuggets of wisdom surrounding reversing MCAS and Histamine Intolerance. Be sure to visit the summit page for more information: https://www.mastcell.drtalks.com/ Beth O’Hara specializes in genetics, naturopathy, and emotional wellness and can see the entire picture of your mast cell activation to empower you to reclaim your well-being. Her unique Mast Cell 360º insight and analysis process reveals the many factors of your mast cell activation through Genetic Analysis, Functional Naturopathy, and Emotional Wellness. Dr. Tom treats some of the sickest, most sensitive patients suffering from chronic Lyme disease, tick-borne co-infections, mold illness, and children with infection-induced autoimmune encephalitis (PANS/PANDAS). He focuses on optimizing the body’s self-healing systems to achieve optimal health with simple, natural interventions, utilizing more conventional approaches when needed. Each individual is a unique unity of body, mind, and spirit. He is the creator of the Thrive With Lyme Blueprint, which assists those suffering from Lyme and related illnesses to tap into the true source of radiant health within them and optimize healing. Dr. Tom’s goal is to empower his patients to get in touch with their inner source of health so they can experience optimal health.   To get the full show notes - www.dr.christineschaffner.com/Episode167

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On the Spectrum of Health Podcast, Dr. Christine Schaffner shares a spectrum of health and wellness information ranging from chronic illness, biological medicine, bioenergetics and more. Dr. Schaffner sits at a unique vantage point in that she sees patients struggling with chronic illness from all over the world in her practice. Dr. Schaffner is passionate about sharing cutting edge information and research from the experts in her community as she sits on the front line of the alternative medicine field. Whether you are struggling with a chronic illness, want to learn more about detox and anti-aging, or fine-tune your biofield, then this podcast is for you! In addition to building two world-renowned health clinics, Dr. Schaffner currently sees patients telemedically, as well as in-person at her Immanence Health clinics in Seattle, Washington and Marin, California.