Timing Matters: The Intersection of Medicine, Healing, and Trust in Your Journey with  Dr. Christine Schaffner | Episode188

We’re back from our short break and have a lot planned for you this season of the Spectrum of Health Podcast! In this mini-episode, Dr. Christine explores the importance of timing in medicine and the healing journey, focusing on the intersection of toxicants, trauma, and pathogens. She also shares exciting updates about our upcoming lymph and hormone cleanse in June and a professional course for practitioners focusing on quantum biology and the future of medicine.    Join Dr. Christine as she continues to provide transformative insights to support you on your healing journey.  Listen in to learn more :   The importance of timing in medicine and the healing journey How we serve others with therapeutic solutions What you can expect this season of the podcast    To get the full show notes - www.drchristineschaffner.com/Episode188   

Om Podcasten

On the Spectrum of Health Podcast, Dr. Christine Schaffner shares a spectrum of health and wellness information ranging from chronic illness, biological medicine, bioenergetics and more. Dr. Schaffner sits at a unique vantage point in that she sees patients struggling with chronic illness from all over the world in her practice. Dr. Schaffner is passionate about sharing cutting edge information and research from the experts in her community as she sits on the front line of the alternative medicine field. Whether you are struggling with a chronic illness, want to learn more about detox and anti-aging, or fine-tune your biofield, then this podcast is for you! In addition to building two world-renowned health clinics, Dr. Schaffner currently sees patients telemedically, as well as in-person at her Immanence Health clinics in Seattle, Washington and Marin, California.