Unlocking the Potential of Biofield Therapies for Healing and Transformation with Dr. Greg Eckel and Dr. Christine Schaffner | Episode185

While Dr. Christine is on vacation this week, we are sharing one of her favorite talks from the 2022 Bioenergetics Summit with Dr. Greg Eckel.    In today’s episode, Dr. Christine shares her discussion with Dr. Greg about exploring how our physical bodies are surrounded by a biofield composed of electromagnetic energy from our hearts and how biofield therapies can help reduce suffering and access unlimited potential.   She also talks about the various techniques to support and open up the lymphatics, the importance of this for improving drainage in the body, and the use of topical GABA and chondroitin sulfate to improve sleep and reduce anxiety.  This is an episode you don’t want to miss!   Listen in to learn more about today’s conversation on how you can harness  the Power of Biofield Science:  How to optimize your bio-energetic self and enhance the energy (energetic) of the body and the energy of life (bio) through FLOW! How do we read the bioenergetic field of the body? What natural therapeutics will shift the physical body through energy work – and MUCH MORE!    To get the full show notes - www.drchristineschaffner.com/Episode185     

Om Podcasten

On the Spectrum of Health Podcast, Dr. Christine Schaffner shares a spectrum of health and wellness information ranging from chronic illness, biological medicine, bioenergetics and more. Dr. Schaffner sits at a unique vantage point in that she sees patients struggling with chronic illness from all over the world in her practice. Dr. Schaffner is passionate about sharing cutting edge information and research from the experts in her community as she sits on the front line of the alternative medicine field. Whether you are struggling with a chronic illness, want to learn more about detox and anti-aging, or fine-tune your biofield, then this podcast is for you! In addition to building two world-renowned health clinics, Dr. Schaffner currently sees patients telemedically, as well as in-person at her Immanence Health clinics in Seattle, Washington and Marin, California.