Squid #7 - Thinking Inside and Outside the Box

We heard from our listener Mike B – thank you for your kind comments We kicked off with a Terry Pratchett quote 'I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it'Then moved on to three key questions:1) should we get in the box right first 2) best way to think outside the box and 3) how far away from the box should we go?Questioning the status quo is a good thing.If everyone just accepted things the way they are,...

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Unscripted musings on business life, leadership, creativity, transformation and all the myriad of other work-life events that get in the way of a good night's sleep. The Squid of Despair is a conceptual summation of what can go wrong, and often does, with mind-mapping or other creative techniques. Born out of an idea for a book back in 2010, David and Peter have now made this mythical beast rise once again, phoenix like (from under the ocean waves, so a bit soggy probably), to explore all matters relating to 'business life, leadership, creativity, transformation and all the myriad of other work-life events that get in the way of a good night’s sleep' in the form of an unusual podcast