Try your own cooking: turning our employees into Stack users

Once upon a time, almost all Stack employees were also users of the site, community members who interacted regularly with what they were building. As the company grew, this naturally became less true. Our first annual Community-athon was a chance for every employee to get a taste of what it's like to ask and answer questions on the site. And for veteran employees, it was a chance to relive the experience of being a brand new user on Stack. This episode, we dive into what happened and what we learned.

Om Podcasten

For more than a dozen years, the Stack Overflow Podcast has been exploring what it means to be a developer and how the art and practice of software programming is changing our world. From Rails to React, from Java to Node.js, we host important conversations and fascinating guests that will help you understand how technology is made and where it’s headed. Hosted by Ben Popper, Cassidy Williams, and Ceora Ford, the Stack Overflow Podcast is your home for all things code.