The SWU Podcast LIVE | 15/03/24

On this episode, Ben, Dominic, Chris, and Hannah are joined by Eric Strothers from The Sith List and Dinner with the Heelers to discuss the sixth and seventh episodes of The Bad Batch season three, “Infiltration” and “Extraction.” They discuss how these episodes explore the beginnings of the larger Rebel Alliance, and whether Rex’s exploits could provide the foundation for another series. Then they debate the identity of the “Shadow” Trooper hunting the Bad Batch. Is it Tech? Is it Cody? Is it someone else? They cover it all. And they discuss Commander Wolffe’s appearance and how it plays off the past and builds toward the future. Plus, are these episodes literally too dark, why is Disney cutting jokes out of Bluey, and is there a floating clone helmet in this episode? All this and much more! Join the Star Wars Underworld Network DiscordSubscribe on YouTube Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe and Review on Apple Podcasts Facebook: Twitter: @TheSWU Email:

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The Next Generation Strikes Back! A weekly Star Wars Radio Show featuring the latest Star Wars news and discussion. Hosted by dedicated fans Chris Seekell, Benjamin Hart, and Dominic Jones, the SWU Podcast covers all things Star Wars. From the classic films to Episode VII and beyond, from Star Wars: The Clone Wars to the Expanded Universe, from Star Wars Rebels to the latest in collecting, the SWU Podcast is there. Plus you never know who might stop by! We must got to the lower levels...The Underworld!