Science & Technology Q&A for Kids (and others) [June 24, 2022]

Stephen Wolfram answers general questions from his viewers about science and technology as part of an unscripted livestream series, also available on YouTube here: Questions include: How much does a cat's tail affect its ability to land on its feet? Do cats without tails tend to fall over frequently? - ​​​​​Could a planet have "internal" rotation of its molten core while having a stagnant outer surface, or perhaps a slowly rotating surface? - ​​​​What's the deal with the Dzhanibekov effect (the observation a cosmonaut had when a spinning bolt flipped in space)? ​​​- The head and the shaft are rotating in unison. The head has more inertia around the axis. Don't forget the bolt is in a standing pressurized chamber of air. - ​​​​Will the Earth eventually cool down enough to stop producing a geomagnetic field? - ​​​​​Tails seem to be vestigial for many organisms. 

Om Podcasten

Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language; the author of A New Kind of Science; and the founder and CEO of Wolfram Research. Over the course of nearly four decades, he has been a pioneer in the development and application of computational thinking—and has been responsible for many discoveries, inventions and innovations in science, technology and business. On his podcast, Stephen discusses topics ranging from the history of science to the future of civilization and ethics of AI.