Stephen Wolfram Q&A, For Kids (and others) [July 31, 2020]

Stephen Wolfram answers general questions from his viewers about science and technology as part of an unscripted livestream series. Questions include: When will we run out of scientific innovations? Is there a limit to technology? - Is it possible to build a place without gravity? - Do you think there is anything between the known particles (and Planck length 10^-33) and your hypergraphs (at length 10^-93), such as another set of "elementary" particles? - Will technology allow for one true universal language [for the deaf, blind, romance languages, Arabic languages, Asian languages, computer languages, etc...], eliminating the need for translations? - Who is the leader in information technology at the moment (my guess is China!)? - Is there a relationship between computational irreducibility and the uncertainty principle from Quantum Mechanics? - Is there a formal definition of Number? - Why all electrons are same? - What temperature does a laser have? - How does a laser work? - How can galaxies retain their shape for billions of years? - Will it be possible to tell a joke in a symbolic discourse language. Who (and what) may find it funny? - You once said that when you were starting out, Feynman gave you a collection of his mathematical tricks for integration, which you didn't end up using. Have you published this? I would really really like to see his notes! See the full Q&A video playlist:

Om Podcasten

Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language; the author of A New Kind of Science; and the founder and CEO of Wolfram Research. Over the course of nearly four decades, he has been a pioneer in the development and application of computational thinking—and has been responsible for many discoveries, inventions and innovations in science, technology and business. On his podcast, Stephen discusses topics ranging from the history of science to the future of civilization and ethics of AI.