Stephen Wolfram Q&A, For Kids (and others) [May 22, 2020]

Stephen Wolfram answers general questions from his viewers about science and technology as part of an ongoing livestream series.

Questions include: How far away are we from a new propulsion system that could take us to another galaxy? - What about a "railgun" in space that also launches rockets? - Micro nuclear explosions? - Does the sun emit EMP pulses, and if so how are satellites protected? - If light is made of light, how can it go around anything? - Can you build a satellite with off the shelf electronics (such as raspberry pi) by providing enough CPU redundancy and some basic shielding? - What additional shielding technologies do you think we need to best overcome space radiation that astronauts face when headed to Mars? - What are the unique properties of element 115? - How do I win the fight against the fear of learning something if it looks really intimidating? - Gravity affects photons but photons have no mass? Or is this a case of energy equals mass?

See the full Q&A video playlist:

Om Podcasten

Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language; the author of A New Kind of Science; and the founder and CEO of Wolfram Research. Over the course of nearly four decades, he has been a pioneer in the development and application of computational thinking—and has been responsible for many discoveries, inventions and innovations in science, technology and business. On his podcast, Stephen discusses topics ranging from the history of science to the future of civilization and ethics of AI.