704 Life Is A Play September 2022 Affirmation

COME JOIN my new coaching and video course to help you master your mindset to overcome the emotions and crippling thoughts that have kept you trapped...If you would like to have a total transformation to seeing the person in the mirror that loves who it sees looking back, if you want to rid your crippling states of mindset that are keeping you trapped in your own personal hells... then email mail me at chris@strongwithin.com and send me a text too as my email sometimes can be wonky at 865-219-3247 saying I'm interested in your new course...and I'll add you to my email list to keep you informed when I finalize everything and to keep you in the know, and you'll get some cool free things along the way Now onto the podcast...Should We Take Life More Seriously??? I ask the question of what if our life was a play, what if all the world was a play and we are but the actors on this stage. Would a new focal point help us with our crippling fears, worries, and anxieties? Would we relinquish our depression and suicidal thoughts seeing that what we had been focusing on wasn't as serious as we had made it to be? Would we let go of those destructive thoughts that we tell ourselves that --no one ever stays and are we meant to be alone for the rest of our lives, or that if we don't make this amount of money (or more) then we will have failed our families, or that we even look in the mirror and hate who we have become and don't even recognize ourselves anymore... well, this podcast is for you. If you would like a shift in your emotional states, and a shift in your mindset to begin seeing hope instead of despair...then join me on this journey of unfolding some of the beliefs and habits that have kept us stuck in a negative loop pattern. I am excited to see the artwork you are going to craft with your life. Committed to seeing you happy and successful...and I am sending great energy your way Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support (You can also get the transcripts there) Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together, Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach- Chris O'Hearn   My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin  Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  phone:865-219-3247Let’s connect on social media: www.facebook.com/thechrisohearn  www.instagram.com/thechrisohearn  Music by: - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

Om Podcasten

The Strong Within Weekly Affirmation Podcast hosted by Chris O'Hearn is a quick 10-20 minute podcast that will help you get your day started off on the right foot. Words are powerful, so what we state in our life is what we make true for our life. An affirmation is a statement of truth. It is seeing the real potential within ourselves and helping our mind to make our beliefs a reality. This podcast will help you start talking and thinking differently about what is possible, which in turn will make your words become physical to happen in your life. Words are like magic. You can either create amazing things with what you say, or you can create a destructive force with your words and thoughts. I am looking forward to empowering you to change your life, to find the confidence and courage to become who you have always wanted to be, and begin knowing you are worthy to have amazing things in your life. I am looking forward to connecting with you and seeing you shine. Sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together, Chris O'Hearn