How your mindset can elevate or hold back your style

Today is such a fascinating episode packed full of ideas to really get you thinking about how you get dressed, why you hang on to clothes you don't need, and how your influences have shaped your identity. It's all about clothes but a lot LOT more this week.  I see every day in my work how people hold themselves back with what they wear and how they act because of limiting beliefs and mindsets. However I am not a mindset expert so I invited mindset coach Teresa Klasener to come and share her thoughts on this important topic.    Email Lisa: Website:   Follow Teresa on Instagram here. @youcomingalive Follow Lisa on Instagram here @lisegillbestylist 

Om Podcasten

A podcast for women all about style, image, fashion and confidence. So many women hold back with their style and lack self-confidence to wear what makes their heart sing or have never taken time to find what that is. This podcast is about getting the tips and tools to refine your wardrobe, wear what brings you joy and feel confident doing it! Tune-in and get tips on stylish outfits, decluttering, self-confidence and lots more.