Once you know your personal style, your wardrobe will never be the same

Personal style, signature style your authentic style are all terms you would've come across but what does this actually mean, how can it transform you and why is it so important?

Lisa shares how finding her own personal style at 16 was a pivotal life moment. No longer the tacky Essex girl she had been, by changing her personal style, her confidence grew instantly and she finally felt more like herself (and turned down a horrible boy). Fast forward a whole lot of years and although she has of course evolved, she still pretty much uses the same formula when pulling outfits together to express who she is.

Find out in this episode the top actionable tips you can use to find your personal style and transform your wardrobe and how you FEEL in your outfits. 

Om Podcasten

A podcast for women all about style, image, fashion and confidence. So many women hold back with their style and lack self-confidence to wear what makes their heart sing or have never taken time to find what that is. This podcast is about getting the tips and tools to refine your wardrobe, wear what brings you joy and feel confident doing it! Tune-in and get tips on stylish outfits, decluttering, self-confidence and lots more.