Style Personalities and the well balanced wardrobe

The final episode in this series but don't worry - lots more to come from next week! In this episode I am explaining in more depth the style personalities and helping you to recognize yours. I'm also explaining how to get a well balanced wardrobe plus shopping tips too! This episode is packed full of value so grab a cold drink or a cuppa and I'll see you on the inside.   Grab my course right here and get instant access. The Winning Wardrobe Formula   Want free style guides? Head here:

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A podcast for women all about style, image, fashion and confidence. So many women hold back with their style and lack self-confidence to wear what makes their heart sing or have never taken time to find what that is. This podcast is about getting the tips and tools to refine your wardrobe, wear what brings you joy and feel confident doing it! Tune-in and get tips on stylish outfits, decluttering, self-confidence and lots more.