THIS is what being 62 looks like today

This week’s episode is with guest Marcia Tucker and two unexpected guest appearances from a cat! Marcia went back into acting at the age of 58 and chats about how when she gets styled for castings, she is always put in baggy ‘old lady’ clothes. This is NOT how her and her friends in their 50’s and 60’s dress anymore!! She discusses her signature style, how she likes to look more polished as she gets older and what it was like as a woman of colour growing up in the 70’s. Marcia is high energy and fabulous and if you are daunted by the prospect of getting older then listen to her thoughts on that!

Om Podcasten

A podcast for women all about style, image, fashion and confidence. So many women hold back with their style and lack self-confidence to wear what makes their heart sing or have never taken time to find what that is. This podcast is about getting the tips and tools to refine your wardrobe, wear what brings you joy and feel confident doing it! Tune-in and get tips on stylish outfits, decluttering, self-confidence and lots more.