Migraine with Steph Weatherley, The Migraine Trust and Katy Brown

Steph Weatherley is the Information and Support advisor at The Migraine Trust, and has lived experience of migraines. We are also joined by Katy Brown. Katy is the CEO of her own company Magic Mountain and lives with chronic migraines.In this conversation we clear up the common myth about migraines not being simply headaches, it is a neurological condition. Katy shares with us how her daily migraines impact her life and the how she has set healthy boundaries to ensure that she is able to live...

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The Sunflower Conversations are where we explore hidden disabilities through the prism of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.In a world where it can be hard to feel like your story matters, we want to give you a space to share your experience. Whether you or someone you care about wears the Sunflower lanyard, we hope that by giving voice to these experiences, we can empower others and encourage more people to support people with invisible disabilities.