Episode 87 Dreams and Visions part 2
Did you know God wants you to have supernatural encounters and visitations? One of the ways God can inspire you, warn you, and instruct you are through dreams and visions. In this episode of The Supernatural Life Podcast, Chad continues his teaching about dreams and visions from scripture and reveals some of the supernatural visitations God has given him. Subscribe today so you never miss another episode of The Supernatural Life Podcast! Become a partner today with Chad Gonzales Ministries and get instant access to our CGM partner platform! By doing so, you get access to all of Chad's teachings and resources for free! Simply go to www.chadgonzales.com/partner Want to watch lots of free teaching? Go to our youtube channel! If you love to read, make sure and check out Chad's books! All of them are available on Amazon; they will change your life!