SPP399: Inflation in 2024 & Prepping Food Costs

In today’s show, I’ll be going over the projected inflation rates of “in-store” food items and also discuss what the actual numbers might be. In the past three years, we have seen prices for meat and vegetables rise around 20%, and unsurprisingly, they will increase some more. Some food products projected to rise the most are what we preppers use in food storage and daily, like meat, canned goods, and boxed meals. I went over some ways we can fight inflation and other money-saving tips for preppers. I also discuss whether the Dollar store is viable for prepping supplies and food storage. Lisa dragged me to the Dollar Store the other day, so I decided to see how much food I could get for $20 and how it stacked up to different grocery stores and online retailers. The dollar store has items other than food that could be beneficial to prepping, and I went over some of those as well. Links mentioned in the show… Inflation: How much will grocery prices increase in 2024 according to experts? 10 Food Items That Will Skyrocket in Price in 2024  

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Survivalist Prepper, all about survival skills, prepping, preparedness and living off the grid without too much "tin foil hat" stuff. Learning how to become more self sufficient when disaster strikes. Stay up to date with the latest prepping news and information like bugging out, prepping and survival gear, and food storage etc.