132 - Sargon of Akkad - New Atheist Failure

Support this channel: thesymbolicworld.com/support/ patreon: www.patreon.com/pageauvideos subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/jonathan-pageau paypal: www.paypal.me/JonathanPageau This event was organized by Thinkspot. www.thinkspot.com Sargon's (Carl Benjamin) channels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCitU2-w3XE8ujvUZjcAnhIg https://www.youtube.com/user/SargonofAkkad100 Original Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV9UnChaLmk My links: website: www.thesymbolicworld.com facebook: www.facebook.com/TheSymbolicWorld/ twitter: twitter.com/pageaujonathan The podcast was edited by Justin Ward.

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Jonathan Pageau looks at symbolism in all its forms, from its source in sacred stories and images to contemporary culture and ultimately how it shapes the world we encounter.