208 - Fr. Maximos Constas - The Relevance of St. Maximus the Confessor Today

Fr. Maximos Constas is Professor of Patristics and Orthodox Spirituality at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. He is one of the most renowned scholars on St. Maximus the Confessor. He was a professor at Harvard and a monk for many years and is now the director at the Pappas Patristic Institute. In this interview we talk about St. Maximos the Confessor, seeing his work in perspective, connecting the visible with the invisible, the ascetic movement of liturgy, seeing through the lens of Scripture, the purpose of man and reconciling asceticism with art and imagination. Fr. Maximos Constas’ work: Conference: - Colloquium on St. Maximus the Confessor: The Mystagogy (Boston, April 28-30, 2022): https://www.pappaspatristicinstitute.com/colloquium Books: - On Difficulties in the Church Fathers, Vol. 1: The Ambigua, (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library) by St. Maximus the Confessor and translated by Fr. Maximos (Nicholas) Constas: https://www.amazon.com/Difficulties-Church-Fathers-Vol-Dumbarton/dp/0674726669/ - The Art of Seeing: Paradox and Perception in Orthodox Iconography by Fr. Maximos(Nicholas)Constas: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Seeing-Perception-Iconography-Contemporary-ebook/dp/B00RNGAHN4/ -------------------------- St. Maximus the Confessor: - On the Ecclesiastical Mystagogy - A Theological Vision of the Liturgy by St. Maximus the Confessor. (Popular Patristics): https://www.amazon.com/Ecclesiastical-Mystagogy-Theological-Confessor-Patristics/dp/0881416479/ - On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ: https://www.amazon.com/Cosmic-Mystery-Jesus-Christ/dp/088141249X/ -------------------------- Original video: https://youtu.be/ze0Ps52NsVk Support this podcast: Website: https://thesymbolicworld.com/support/ Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/pageauvideos Subscribestar: https://www.subscribestar.com/jonathan-pageau Paypal: http://www.paypal.me/JonathanPageau Join the conversation: Unofficial Facebook discussion group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1989208418065298/ The Symbolic World Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSymbolicWorld/ Social media links: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheSymbolicWorld Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/pageaujonathan Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonathan.pageau

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Jonathan Pageau looks at symbolism in all its forms, from its source in sacred stories and images to contemporary culture and ultimately how it shapes the world we encounter.