The Session Planning Episode

Episode 81 of The Teaching Space Podcast goes 'back to basics' and revisits session planning.


Some time ago I asked members of my Facebook group what type of podcast episodes they would like to see more of in the future and there were many votes for ‘back to basics’ topics. In response, we’re looking at session planning today.

Initial Teacher Training

One of the courses I most enjoy teaching is the Level 3 Award in Education and Training (formerly ‘PTLLS’). It’s an introduction to teaching/training and tends to attract a diverse range of learners. One part of the course they tend to enjoy exploring is session planning - some of what I share in this episode comes from that course. A lot of brand new teachers/trainers are initially surprised at how technical putting a decent session together can be.


As well as observing trainee teachers in my job, I’m also lucky enough to spend time observing experienced teachers. I’ve seen some magnificent sessions over the years. One of the most common areas for development I observe is planning. Regardless of your level of teaching experience, it is worth revisiting session planning.


This is, of course, not the only way to session plan!

Components of a Session Plan

This is not an exhaustive list and should be adapted to suit your environment, learners, subject etc.
  • Aim: an overall statement of intent for the session
  • Objectives: steps learners will take to meet aim (written using Bloom’s verbs)
  • Assessment criteria being covered (might be written as objectives)
  • Logistics information: when, where, how long?
  • Learners’ needs (anonymised)
  • Beginning, middle and end
  • 70/30
  • Assessment: initial, formative, summative
  • Resources checklist
  • Plenary: wrap up/recap activity
  • Timing, teacher activities, learner activities
  • Functional skills
  • Key questions
  • Terminology
  • Must/should/could: stretch
  • Templates available in The Teaching Space Community:

    Wrap Up

    I hope today’s episode has been helpful. If you'd like more of these ‘back to basics’ episodes then please let me know. Equally, if it is not your thing, it would be good to hear from you. I want to create the episodes you want to hear.

    Support the Show

    If you have enjoyed this episode please consider supporting the show by making a small donation towards the running costs on my Ko-fi page which you can find at Alternatively, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts or whether you listen to the show. Thank you.

    Questions? Comments?

    If you have any questions about this episode or thoughts you’d like to share please join The Teaching Space Community: At the time of recording, the community is free to join. It’s just launched so I’m very keen to get some members in there to test it out and give me some feedback. The show notes for this episode include any links I’ve mentioned; you can find them at Thanks for listening and I hope you’ll join me for the next episode.

    Om Podcasten

    A podcast for teachers and trainers who want to love their jobs and be amazing teachers without sacrificing their own time, mental health and wellbeing.