The Tech Humanist Show: Episode 4 – David Ryan Polgar

The Tech Humanist Show explores how data and technology shape the human experience. It's recorded live each week in a live-streamed video program before it's made available in audio format. Hosted by Kate O’Neill.

About this episode's guest:
David Ryan Polgar is a leading voice in the areas of tech ethics, digital citizenship, and what it means to be human in the digital age. David is a global speaker, a regular media commentator for national & international press, and a frequent advisor & consultant on building a better tech future. He is the co-host/co-creator of Funny as Tech, a NYC-based podcast & occasional live show that deals with our messy relationship with technology, and is the founder of All Tech Is Human, an accelerator for tech consideration & hub for the Responsible Tech movement. David serves as a founding member of TikTok's Content Advisory Council, along with the Technology & Adolescent Mental Wellness (TAM program).

He tweets as @techethicist.

This episode streamed live on Thursday, August 6, 2020.

Episode highlights:

1:20 David Ryan Polgar intro
3:21 weird coincidence?!
4:40 and a tornado?!
6:05 previous podcast discussion — will update here with a link when it goes live!
7:23 attorney and educator?!
10:44 "no application without representation"
11:56 the politics of technology
15:55 impact over intent
16:25 social media and free speech online
21:13 content moderation: humans and AI
24:32 the role of friction in tech
27:32 distinguishing between thought and action in law
28:24 "your unfiltered brain is not what should be out on the internet"
28:50 brain to text
30:59 "are we an algorithm"
37:14 "do we even want these systems"
46:05 "I wanted to put the agency back on us"
46:28 "the future is not written"
53:55 "everybody needs to add their voice"
54:54 How can people find you and follow your work? (,;; @techethicist; David Ryan Polgar on LinkedIn;;

Om Podcasten

The Tech Humanist Show is a multi-media-format show often featuring a special guest and exploring topics like digital culture, data privacy, automation, human interfaces, artificial intelligence, and more. It's "everything about data and technology that shapes the human experience."