The Tech Humanist Show: Episode 6 – Kaitlin Ugolik Phillips

The Tech Humanist Show explores how data and technology shape the human experience. It's recorded live each week in a live-streamed video program before it's made available in audio format. Hosted by Kate O’Neill.

About this episode's guest:
Kaitlin Ugolik Phillips is the author of The Future of Feeling: Building Empathy in a Tech-Obsessed World. She is a journalist and editor whose writing on law, finance, health, and technology has appeared in the Establishment, VICE, Quartz, Institutional Investor magazine, Law360, Columbia Journalism Review, Lithub, Scientific American, NY Post, Salon, and Narratively, among others. She writes a blog and newsletter about empathy featuring reportage, essays, and interviews.

She tweets as @kaitlinugolik.

This episode streamed live on Thursday, August 20, 2020.

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The Tech Humanist Show is a multi-media-format show often featuring a special guest and exploring topics like digital culture, data privacy, automation, human interfaces, artificial intelligence, and more. It's "everything about data and technology that shapes the human experience."