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Send us a Text Message.In episode 56 of The TechTual Talk Podcast, we are joined by JK Swopes! He is an IAM engineer. In this episode, we discuss his journey in tech, his time leaving tech, what made him pursue IAM and why IAM is so important. If you enjoyed this episode, please share this out with your friends and leave a review to help us out for the algorithms.Check out my Advance your Cybersecurity course on LinkedIn Learning for FREE Click here:'... Support this podcast at —

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Introducing The Techtual Talk - the ultimate podcast for exploring the exciting world of technology and promoting diversity in the industry! Join us as we delve into the many avenues available in tech, including non-technical roles, and shine a spotlight on the representation of African Americans and other people of color in this space. We believe that every child, regardless of their background, should have the opportunity to discover and pursue a fulfilling career in technology. With The Techtual Talk, we aim to bridge the gap and provide the inspiration and resources needed to succeed.