Why You Should Invest in your Cybersecurity Career!
In this episode of the TechTual Talk, Ricarlos and me discuss why its important to invest in your cybersecurity career. Ricarlos Hunt was a client of mine that received a job offer within one week of working with me last May 2021. If you've been thinking about booking me then look no further to this episode. 👨🏽💻 Book your Consultation, Book Coaching Sessions, and Resume Service here Consultations: https://calendly.com/techtuaulconsulting/consultation Ebooks: https://techualconsulting.com/digitalproducts Subscription: https://techualconsulting.com/subscription ▶️ Social Media https://techtualconsulting.start.page Buy me a Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/techtualchatter Join my slackspace here: https://join.slack.com/t/techtualconsulting/shared_invite/zt-nz1zzhox-S0uI5TdUCvb4eTtXpZLdBA --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app