196: When You Are Not The First Choice Friend

There were many times in my junior high and high school years when I wasn't chosen by the people I wanted to choose me. When this happens, it can be really disheartening and easy to believe that something is wrong with you. This week on the podcast I am talking about what to do in these situations and how to have hope that you will find those people in your life that mutually choose you. For information on Wreck Your Anxiety click here: https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/wreck-your-anxiety Coupon code WYA30 is valid until 1/18/23! For more information on programs with Coach Sami visit https://knowingup.com/

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https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theteenlifecoach/ sami@theteenlifeschool.com Like many young girls, I struggled to find myself, dealt with anxiety and depression, and constantly compared myself to others. As a Life Coach, my mission is to help guide other teens in developing confidence and facing their fears.