228: Tryout Anxiety

It's tryout season! Tryouts cause a lot of anxiety and nervousness. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced competitor, tryouts can make everyone nervous. This week on the podcast I talk about three things you can do to help with nervousness when it comes to trying out for things. On the fence about whether or not to even try out? I give some advice on that too. Find help with teen anxiety here: https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/

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https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theteenlifecoach/ sami@theteenlifeschool.com Like many young girls, I struggled to find myself, dealt with anxiety and depression, and constantly compared myself to others. As a Life Coach, my mission is to help guide other teens in developing confidence and facing their fears.