TDP #50 - Training Discussion with Zach Siegel

In this episode of The Thermo Diet Podcast Jayton Miller and Zach Siegel sit down and talk about the details of their training from their favorite lifting equipment and exercises, what they do on their off days, what they are working on right now and so much more. Check it out and let us know what you think! Facebook Group and Fanpage: - Thermo Diet Community Group  - Thermo Diet Fan Page  Youtube Channels: - Christopher Walker - UMZU Health  Instagram: - @_christopherwalker - @researchcowboy  Website: - Thermo Diet Roadmap Full Transcript:  Full Transcript Jayton Miller: Welcome back to the Thermo Diet Podcast. I'm your host Jayton Miller, and today I'm here with fellow UMZU coworker and UMZU Fit coach Zachary Siegel. Zach Siegel: Was going on? Jayton Miller: How are you doing today? Zach Siegel: I'm doing good, man. I feel good. Jayton Miller: Yeah? Zach Siegel: Yeah, I got a lot of energy today. Jayton Miller: Heck yeah. Why is that? Zach Siegel: I worked out this morning. Woke up at five o'clock with Rob, drove to the 24 hour fitness, and I got my workout in. Jayton Miller: Heck yeah. You're also on that new Miracle Morning, aren't you? Zach Siegel: Oh yeah. I took two of those this morning. Jayton Miller: It's good, isn't it? Zach Siegel: Two of those and a scoop of Zuum. That'll do it. Jayton Miller: Heck yeah. How'd you work out. Go ahead. Zach Siegel: Super well for a... Working out 5:30 in the morning, sometimes your strength isn't there in the morning. But I had it today. Today felt good for an early morning lift. But yeah, like I said, strength isn't usually there, low energy. You really got to... I just find that you got to stretch a little bit more in the morning, get your body warmed up, hit the treadmill, 10, 15 minutes, get into your workout, do some stretching, maybe some foam rolling, and then hit it hard. Jayton Miller: They usually say about 150 milligrams of caffeine is what you need to stimulate the CNS in the mornings too. Zach Siegel: Yeah. I think at timed it pretty well with the Miracle Morning, the Zuum, five minute drive to the gym, hit the treadmill for a little bit, and then I was ready to go after it. Jayton Miller: Heck yeah. So what's your favorite lifting equipment? Zach Siegel: Lifting equipment? I mean, I like the tried and true, the barbell. The barbell, the dumbbells. Are you talking equipment in terms of belts? I don't know, wrist straps, wraps. Jayton Miller: Yeah, we can do favorite equipment in the gym and then favorite equipment that you take to the gym. Zach Siegel: Okay, cool. So yeah, I would say the equipment that I use... I mean, I like to use a little bit of everything. I mean, it's all there at your disposal, so might as well take advantage of it. I think certain things are really good, especially if you're not... I guess it all depends on how you feel that day as well. For instance, Rob and I are working on... I mean, we're all working on that bulking program right no

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