Learning Japanese and Secret Ways to Visit Japan: Advice from Loretta "Kemushichan"

YouTuber Loretta "Kemushichan" has been making videos about Japan and the Japanese language for over 10 years now. And because of her expertise, we asked her to write an article for us (which you can read here: https://tfg.li/2C46DcV) and invited her on the Tofugu Podcast to drop some knowledge bombs. Knowledge bombs liiiiiiike... - The secrets she used to discover hidden exchange programs and other free ways to live in or visit Japan. - The study methods she used to get her spoken Japanese sounding fluent. - The problems Japanese small businesses are having with their tourism initiatives. - And many more... Listen and learn, friends. Then hop on over to Loretta's YouTube channel for more expertise. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/kemushichan/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/KemushiJP

Om Podcasten

For people who want to visit Japan, live in Japan, and learn Japanese. Please excuse the tangents.