What's the Difference Between On'yomi and Kun'yomi Kanji?

Read the article: https://tfg.li/2wMOjkR This is maybe the most frustrating aspect of studying kanji. You start learning 山 as やま. Cool, one kanji memorized. Wait... it can also be read as さん. Wait. All your other kanji have 2 or 4 extra readings too! Some are on'yomi. Some are kun'yomi. Why does this have to be so complicated?! It may seem confusing at first, but if you learn the difference between on'yomi/kun'yomi readings, where they came from, and how they work, we promise it will make learning kanji a lot easier. Listen to this kanji-tastic episode where Kristen explains all this and more. When you're breezing through kanji like a pro, you'll be glad you did. iTunes:https://tfg.li/tofugu-podcast Google Play: https://tfg.li/tofugu-gplay

Om Podcasten

For people who want to visit Japan, live in Japan, and learn Japanese. Please excuse the tangents.