Justice Clarence Thomas • Bonehead of the Week | July 1, 2022

Send us a textJustice Clarence Thomas • Bonehead of the Week | REACTWho's the Bonehead of the Week?Contestants:Justice Clarence ThomasMark Meadows Sen. Mitch McConnellDishonorable Mention: Lou DobbsAlpha Cuck: Tim PoolVote on Twitter @TonyMichaelsPodhttps://twitter.com/TonyMichaelsPod/status/1519839864694452224?s=20&t=FSS07W9rYKY_3Tqj5XipGwWanna add your favorite idiot to the list? boneheadoftheweek.comThe Tony Michaels PodcastIn your face commentary of current events and politi...

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Tony Michaels provides in-your-face commentary of current events and political news. No rules and no boundaries! | Tony is considered 'The Rush Limbaugh of the Left' | Monday - Friday from 12 - 2pm EST LIVE on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitch | thetonymichaels.com