TAMP Season 6 Episode 4 The Motorcycle Portraits.net and Kinga Tanajewska onherbike

Send us a message...Kinga was born in 1981 in what was then Communist Poland, just before the start of Martial law. Her home town is Suwalki, located in the North-East region famous for its grand, serene lakes.After finishing her Engineering degree in Poland she immigrated to Australia. After a couple of years of living in the hustle and bustle of Sydney, working odd jobs, she finally found a job in the construction industry! Australia started to feel like home. A few years after that, she st...

Om Podcasten

The Trail and Adventure Motorbike Podcast is created by Clive Barber and Noel Thom. They are not inspirational, and they will not provide motivation to get you off your butt and travel the world. They are quite a good laugh though, like a couple of old blokes you overhear in the pub, and wish you were sat at their table. Except you don’t need to because they record their conversations. Weird. Yeah, probably.  The Trail and Adventure Motorbike Podcast aims to be informative, interesting, and fun. With a mix of ‘celebrity’ and ‘citizen’ storytellers, instructional episodes, beginners guides the podcast is a great way to while away the hours when you can’t be out on your bike.